Fox Mill Woods
Membership Information
for additional Membership
Invitation. FMW is currently at Full Membership (300 families). Want to
get on the pool membership waiting list? Click for a Waiting List Application
The total Club membership is limited to a maximum of 300 families. The club
currently maintains a wait list of persons/families. If you are interested in
joining the club, please call the FMWS&TC information/answering machine (703-
860-0628) for additional information.
Full Voting Member:
One-time Administrative Fee $100
2002 Annual Fee $400
Membership Fee $950
***** For the next three years (2003, 2004, and 2005), each member shall be assessed an
annual, non-refundable, fee of $100 ($300 total). Members joining the club in 2004
shall pay a non-refundable fee of $200 in addition to the annual dues, and $100 in 2005.
Thereafter, members joining the club shall pay a non-refundable capital assessment
fee of $300.
Guest Fees
Guest passes may be purchased at the pool desk. The cost is $2.00 and checks are
preferred. House guests of members who will be visiting for an extended period of
time may use the club facilities at a reduced rate as follows:
Per guest per week $4.00
Per family per week $10.00
Per family per month $25.00
Annual fee bills are mailed on January 1 with a due date of February1. On February
2, a $25 late fee is assessed. On March 1, a letter is sent to those who have not
paid stating that if payment is not received by April 1, membership will be automatically
terminated and equity will be refunded.
Inactive Status
Should a member wish to assume an inactive status, notice must be sent to the Board of
Directors, in writing, on or before February 1. A fee of $100 will be charged for
each inactive member. The $100 fee should accompany the request for inactive status.
Inactive status will be approved only after a rental membership has been secured.
If no rental can be found, the member will be responsible for the remainder of the
annual dues assessment (annual fee minus $100).
Termination of Membership
Should a member wish to terminate membership, notice must be sent to the Board of
Directors, in writing along with the certificate of membership and tennis keys. If
planning to terminate your membership, please send your request before March 1. No
refund of annual dues will be made until a new member has joined in place of the
terminating member.
Photo IDs
Photo IDs are required for admittance to the pool. Photo IDs will be made for each
new family member (adults and children over the age of five) at the Open House (Saturday,
May 19 from 11:00am to 4:00pm). Returning members who have lost or desire to update
their IDs can also have photos taken at the Open House. The normal $10.00 charge to
replace or update an ID is waived on the day of the Open House. If any member of
your family cannot attend the Open House and needs to have a new card made, pleasae bring
or mail a school photo or other miniature photo that can be used.
Membership Packets
Membership packets can be picked up at the lifeguard desk at the pool.